Tuesday 5 February 2013

Robbers storm Access Bank, damage ATMs

Residents of the Odogunyan, Ikorodu area of Lagos State had an eventful weekend, after bank robbers stormed Access Bank located in the area.
The bank robbery was said to have been foiled by the Special Anti-Robbery Squad, which received a distress call and raced to the scene.
It was gathered that the robbers bolted after a gun duel between them and the police.
But before the police got to the scene, the bandits had allegedly damaged ATM machines, with the intention of carting away money in the machines.
Confirming the foiled robbery, police spokesperson in Lagos State, Ngozi Braide, said the ATM machines belonged to the Odogunyan, Ikorodu branch of Access Bank, adding that the hoodlums were however unable to cart away the money in the machine following the prompt intervention of detectives from Sagamu Division.
“The robbers broke the ATM door but could not remove anything from the bank,” said Braide.
It was further gathered that on sighting the policemen who swung into action, the suspected armed robbers abandoned two long gas cylinders, one heavy iron rod, one big spanner, one cylinder hose and some expanded ammunition at the scene.
The case has however been transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department Panti, Yaba for further investigation

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