Saturday 23 February 2013

Gunmen kill five ahead of council poll in Gombe

Tension has engulfed Gombe metropolis in Gombe State following an attack by unknown gunmen on a motorbike.
The gunmen, who besieged Bagadaza area of the town, killed five persons on the spot while over seven others were seriously wounded by the bullets of the assailants.
This happened less than 24 hours to the local government poll holding in the state on Saturday (today).
The victims were said to be playing card game when suddenly bullets rained on them from different directions.
An eyewitness and resident of the area, Bulus Chiroma, said the gunmen attacked the area around 4pm and killed the card players while a policeman attached to Government House, Gombe was injured.
Chiroma added that the gunmen escaped immediately on their motorbike after the attack.
Chiroma said his daughter, who runs a shop close to the scene of the incident, took to her heels on hearing the sporadic gunshot only to see dead bodies lying on the street later.
Another eyewitness, a policeman, who craved anonymity, said: “They opened fire on the people and killed five people and in the process injured seven other people, including one policeman, who is attached to Government House, Gombe.”
The policeman also said that the resident of the area refused the police from taking away the bodies of the deceased and insisted that the governor must come himself before the bodies will be released.
“We pleaded with them to allow us carry the dead bodies but the people insisted that the governor or the police commissioner must come to the scene before they will allow the bodies of the dead to be taken away,” he added.
When contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer, Gombe State Police Command, ASP Fwaje Atajiri, maintained sealed lips on the matter but however confirmed the incident.
Atajiri said investigation had begun in full swing.

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