Monday 11 February 2013

Jonathan congratulates Super Eagles

President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria has congratulated the Super Eagles and all Nigerians on the country’s victory in the Africa Cup of Nations.
Jonathan, in a statement by presidential spokesman, Dr. Reuben Abati, thanked Coach Stephen Keshi and all members of the team who worked very hard and played with great focus, dedication, artistry and patriotism to make Nigeria the proud champions of Africa once again after 19 years of setbacks in the competition.
The President also commended the Minister of Sports, Bolaji Abdullahi, the president and members of the Nigerian Football Federation and all others who contributed to the astonishing transformation of the Super Eagles from underdogs to gallant winners and glorious soccer champions of the African continent.
The statement added: |President Jonathan believes that the team’s amazing transformation from rank outsiders to champions is a clear manifestation of the even greater successes the country can achieve in all other fields of human endeavour if all Nigerians come together and devote their immense collective energies and resources to supporting the implementation of his Administration’s Agenda for National Transformation.
“Therefore, as the entire nation celebrates Nigeria’s remarkable triumph in South Africa, President Jonathan urges all Nigerians to imbibe the positive lessons of the Super Eagles’ success because the fulfilment of the country’s immense potentials for greatness will be more speedily attained if more Nigerians resolve to emulate the team’s exemplary unity of purpose, dedication, commitment and devotion to service of the nation.
“The President also believes that having conquered Africa, the new Super Eagles can go on to achieve even greater glory at the World Cup in Brazil next year. He assures the team that it will receive every necessary support and encouragement from the Federal Government for that next national assignment.
“President Jonathan thanks the Government of South Africa and the Confederation of African Football for a well-organised tournament and looks forward to receiving the victorious Super Eagles in Abuja on Tuesday.”

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