Saturday 16 March 2013

Mark to lead Nigeria's delegation to Pope's inauguration

President Goodluck Jonathan has approved that Nigeria be represented by a Federal Government delegation headed by the President of the Senate, Senator David Mark, at the formal installation of Pope Francis 1 on March 19, 2013.
Other members of the delegation are the Minister of Aviation, Princess Stella Oduah; the Minister of State (Foreign Affairs), Prof. Viola Onwuliri; and the President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria, Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama.
The delegation also includes the Chaplain of the Presidential Villa Chapel, Venerable Obioma Onwuzurumba; and the Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Christian Pilgrims Commission, John Kennedy Opara.
In addition to attending the new Pope’s inauguration mass at the Vatican City, the delegation will also convey a congratulatory letter from President Jonathan to Pope Francis was elected by the College of Cardinals on March 13 to succeed Pope Benedict XVI.

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