Wednesday 10 April 2013

Strike not over yet – NUPENG

The General Secretary of the union, Isaac Abarere, however, said the negotiation with the government over the strike will continue.
Abarere said the initial meeting with the government was inconclusive.
Abarere said: “The meeting is inconclusive.
“The Federal Government and the union met in Abuja on Wednesday and we did not say anything about suspension of strike.
“We agreed to continue the meeting today in the afternoon.
“It is after that meeting that we can say that the strike has been suspended or not.”
NUPENG embarked on the strike to protest what it termed the non payment of outstanding subsidy fund to the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation and some oil marketers.
The Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, had said those yet to be paid were those indicted by the presidential committee that looked into the mismanagement of past subsidy funds.

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