Saturday 27 April 2013

Baga: Jonathan summons Borno governor

As the controversy over the actual number of deaths at the recent Baga massacre in Borno State rages, President Goodluck Jonathan on Friday summoned Governor Ibrahim Shettima of Borno to the State House in Abuja.
Recently, men of the Joint Task Force and gunmen suspected to be members of the Islamist sect, Boko Haram, engaged in a gun duel at Baga, a boarder town in Borno State.
During the clash, no fewer that 187 lives were reported to have been lost and about 2,000 houses razed.
However, military authorities claimed the figure was grossly exaggerated though Red Cross confirmed the figure.
Shettima declined to speak with correspondents after the meeting with the President.
It was however gathered that his mission was to brief President Jonathan on the situation from the angle of the state government.
The President had earlier received briefing from military authorities.
He has also ordered a full-scale investigation into the alleged mass killing of civilians.
“Having received preliminary briefings from the Military High Command on the incident, President Goodluck Jonathan has ordered a full-scale investigation into reports of high civilian casualties in the confrontation between Nigerian soldiers and insurgents at Baga in Borno State,” presidential media aide, Dr. Reuben Abati, had said.
While commiserating with families who lost their loved ones, the President noted that rules of engagement for the military and security agencies were already in place.
He therefore, assured Nigerians that the investigation ordered into the incident would amongst other things, determine whether or not these rules were fully complied with.
Abati stated further that “the President is deeply pained by the continuance of these needless deaths and will continue to do all within his powers to achieve lasting peace, security and stability in all parts of the country.”

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