Wednesday 3 December 2014

Impeachment threat: Presidency jittery, begs Senate

Apparently jittery about the impeachment threat looming in the Senate, the Presidency has enjoined members of the Upper Chamber to give priority attention to issues of national importance rather than spending valuable time planning to impeach President Goodluck Jonathan.
The Senior Special Assistant on Public Affairs to the President, Dr. Doyin Okupe, in a statement on Wednesday, opined that important issues like terrorism and dwindling oil revenues should be the priority of the lawmakers at this trying period.
Okupe contended that the issues between the Senate and the Presidency are normal in Executive/Legislature relationships that could be resolved without resorting to impeachments.
His words: “The recent purported attempt by some Senators to prepare impeachable offences against the President, as reported in some section of the media, is seen by us in this light.
“We strongly trust and believe in the leadership of the present Senate and the unwavering patriotism and commitment that have been shown by the distinguished members and we trust that ultimately it is this tendency towards true Nationalism that will prevail in the Senate.
“It is our view that there are at present, serious fundamental issues of National importance such as winning the war against terrorism and stabilizing the economy in the face of dwindling oil revenue which requires the full attention, commitment and swift action of distinguished members of the Senate.
“We are of the opinion that all matters political can and will be resolved politically in the overall interest of our democracy and the well being of our people.”

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