Monday 11 August 2014

Suspected Ebola virus victim discovered in Lagos estate

A suspected Ebola virus victim has been discovered in the Lagos State Property Development Corporation estate in Isheri area of Lagos State.
The estate shares a close boundary with Ogun State in the Isheri area.
The man, identified to be from Niger Republic, was dropped on Saturday by the gate of the estate by a commercial motorcyclist, popularly called okada, who sped off after doing so.
The man, who could no longer talk, had blood all over his nose and mouth, without signs of having been beaten.
He was coughing out blood.
The residents of the estate immediately raised the alarm, suspecting Ebola.
This was more so as the okada man who brought him sped off.
The residents of the estate immediately put a call through to the Lagos State Emergency Management Service and the federal authorities for help.
It took several hours before the man was picked up by the health authorities.
The residents, sequel to the development, have resolved to avoid taking commercial motorcycles until the case is proven not to be Ebola.
The fear is that if it is a case of Ebola, the likelihood of the okada man having become infected could not be ruled out.
The estate residents called a meeting where the resolutions were taken.

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