Wednesday 30 April 2014

Security: Senators to meet Jonathan

The Senate at Wednesday’s plenary mandated some of its members to meet with President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan on the security challenges confronting the nation.
The meeting is sequel to its deliberation on Tuesday during which the senators resolved that in order to curb the security challenges in the country, there was a need for synergy between the legislature and the executive.
The following senators, led by the Senate President, Senator Dxvid Mark, were mandated to meet with the President: Senators James Manager, Helen Esuene, Uche Chukwumerije, Chris Anyanwu, Barnabas Gemade, Zaynab Kure, Mohammed Ali Ndume, Ahmed Zanna, Maina Maaji Lawan, Buka Abba Ibrahim and Babafemi Ojudu.
The meeting which is scheduled for Wednesday (today) will take place at the Presidential Villa, Aso Rock, Abuja.
Meanwhile the Senate on Wednesday congratulated Nigerian workers on the occasion of the Workers Day, which takes place on Thursday.
According to Mark, the senators appreciated Nigerian workers for doing their best in a very difficult environment.
He said the legislature has a major responsibility to create a conducive environment for the workers through the laws they make and the motion they move.
The Senate subsequently dissolved into the Committee of the Whole to consider the report of the Joint Committee on FCT and Finance on the Federal Capital Internal Revenue Board Bill 2013.

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