Sunday 2 March 2014

Blow by blow account of my convoy’s attack, by Murtala Nyako

Governor Murtala Nyako

How we fled before Boko Haram arrived – Nyako

Contrary to earlier reports, the Adamawa State Governor, Alhaji Murtala Nyako, has denied that his convoy was attacked in Shuwa area of the state.

Nyako, in a bid to set the records straight, said he was told of an impending attack by suspected members of Boko Haram by soldiers who were fleeing from members of the sect.
He said they fled before the members of the sect arrived.
Speaking in Yola on Friday, Nyako, who was in Shuwa to commiserate with the victims of the recent attack by members of Boko Haram, said: “After addressing the villagers, some soldiers approached me as I was about to enter my car and said that Boko Haram members were coming.
“The soldiers were shouting: they are here, they are here.
“So, I asked them: who?
“They said Boko Haram members are around.
“After that, one of the soldiers started shooting.
“So, the first thing we need to do naturally is to get out of the scene.”
Four shots were fired by the soldier, prompting the security personnel to take position, while others drove off with the governor.
NAN reports that the villagers also ran to different directions for safety.
On the entourage of the governor were the Speaker of the state House of Assembly, Hon. Ahmadu Fintiri; the Commissioner of Police, John Abakasangha; the Secretary to the State Government, Chief Kobis Thimnu; and some commissioners.

Blow by blow account of my convoy’s attack, by Murtala Nyako

Our attention was drawn to a statement by the DHQ on the incidence in Shuwa Adamawa state. The statement did not reflect the occurrence or the geography and location the event took place. Here’s a blow by blow report of the incidence. We shall release recorded tapes of the incidence as shot by cameramen at the event.

In view of the statement issued by the Defence Headquaters and the attempt by some elements of the PDP to play politics with the Shuwa shooting while Governor Murtala Nyako was on a sympathy visit, it is necessary to state what took place blow by blow.
8.05 am – The Governor and his entourage departed Yola for Michika and Shuwa. On the Governor’s entourage were the Hon. Speaker Adamawa State House of Assemby, Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, the Police Commissioner andd the Director SSS.
10.49am – The Governor was received at the boarder of Michika Local Government by a large number of people including community leaders and traditional rulers.
10.56am – the convoy arrives Government Lodge Michika. There was a brief stop over before proceeding to Michika Township. Members of the community lined up the street waving at the Governor and entourage. The damage recorded in the town was monumental. A Senior Journalist resident in Michika, Mr. Emmanuel Kwache told our team that he was a victim and that he lost 5 rooms in their family compound, 7 bags of maize, 2 bags of beans, 2 bags of groundnuts, one pick-up van loaded with soft drinks and a number of personal effects. Others had far greater losses. Two Banks were destroyed.
11.28am – The Governor arrived Shuwa town after a brief reception at Wuro-Ngayandi where leaders of the community received the Governor. Three places were severely affected in Shuwa. These are the residence of former commissioner Alhaji Idris Medugu, the Junior Seminary and a Church. The Governor was to visit all three.
11.50am – A large number of people gathered in front of Medugu’s property. Fire was still smouldering in the place. The man lost a line up of shops numbering almost 10, his residence which he shares with some of his grown up kids, an Islamic School and some neighbouring property.
11.58am – the District Head of Kirchinga one of the affected communities Alhaji Maina had to rush to his vehicle to take his medication because the smoke from the burning property triggered his asthma.
12noon – Abdurrahman Abba the Chief of Staff Government House, Yola addressed the gathering and introduced the Governor who delivered a very sober message in Hausa. Thereafter, the Speaker who represents the area in the State House of Assembly spoke to them in their native Marghi language. Alhaji Sanusi the District Head of Shuwa responded on behalf of the community. Christian Prayers were then offered by Hon Adamu Kamale who represents Michika in the State House of Assembly while Muslim Prayers were offered by the Chief Imam of Shuwa. Almost about that same time a military vehicle arrived the check point that is less tha10 meters away.
12.33pm – The Governor’s entourage was about to depart after the brief speeches when he noticed some people across the road close to where the soldiers manned the check point. He made to cross and greet them when suddenly we heard the shout of “ga su nan” “ga su nan” two of the soldiers ran towards a location where an Armoured vehicle was stationed and then we heard some gun fire coming from the direction of the soldiers.
12.40pm – confusion as everyone made spirited attempts to board their vehicles. The courageous and gallant security details around the Governor forced him into one of the security cars thereby abandoning his staff car. As an ex-military man he was trying to identify the source of fire and he was unperturbed. The other Service Chiefs were also protected by their security details. It was an interesting scenario. Others made spirited efforts to their vehicles while others just jumped into the backs of any vehicle especially pick up vans.
1.00pm – the convoy arrived Michika, but by then the story had reached them that there was an attack and so no one was willing to remain and listen to the team. The Governor then skipped the speaking programme and proceeded direct to Yola. The convoy and protocol arrangement was only reorganized well into the journey. By the time we arrived Yola the news had broken nationwide and world wide.
On a lighter mood, even though it was a Friday, no one spoke about stopping to perform jummaat prayers. The Governor would have wanted it but security rightfully took precedence.
This unedited statement by Governor Murtala Nyako of Adamawa State, was endorsed by his spokesman, Ahmad Sajoh.

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