Wednesday 6 November 2013

Army kills seven Boko Haram suspects in Borno

The 7 Division of the Nigerian Army, Maiduguri, Borno State said it shot dead seven suspected Boko Haram militants in a renewed onslaught in suspected hideouts of the insurgents in Borno.
Lieutenant Colonel Mohammad Dole, the spokesman of the division, said this in a statement on Tuesday in Maiduguri.
Dole said: “In simultaneous operations conducted by troops from 5 Brigade at Ngala axis and 21 Brigade at general area of Bama on Monday, the military recorded huge successes as seven suspected Boko Haram militants were killed and several others injured.
“A total of 13 vehicles and several motorcycles belonging to the terrorists were destroyed.
“Some of the vehicles destroyed contained Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) meant to be detonated in some towns and villages within the state.
“Several arms and ammunition were also captured.”

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