Friday 28 February 2014

Sanusi: Now, we know why!

THOSE in the legal profession knew from the outset that the 2007 Act of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, was basically flawed by allowing the Governor of the Bank to also occupy the position of Chairman of its Board of Directors.

We foresaw the dangers of a power-drunk governor exploiting this structural weakness in wreaking havoc on the nation’s financial system. That was one of the major reasons why the 7th National Assembly tried in 2012 to amend the CBN Act.

The lawmakers were convinced that the law, as it was (and still is) neither contained enough checks and balances, nor promoted transparency and accountability.

The process of amendment, currently kept in abeyance, was being fiercely resisted by the suspended Governor of the Bank, Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, who continued to mobilise public sentiments through media campaigns and, in several cases, by donating cash and projects, using public funds. What many Nigerians did not know, and are just finding out, rather painfully, is that Sanusi has been abusing the national treasury over which he was appointed to watch.

When on Thursday, February 20, 2014, the Presidency announced the suspension of Sanusi from office, his immediate reaction was rather curious. “I am surprised, it took Government so long to take this action”, he was quoted to have said.

The suspended governor knew what he was talking about.  Indeed, he was inadvertently drawing attention to the fact that he had been under investigation for quite some time now; that, as far back as June 2013, the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria, FRCN, had submitted a report to the President which indicted him of various acts of fraud and mismanagement of the CBN, found him guilty of “financial recklessness and misconduct” and recommended, among others, that the President should, by evoking Section II(2) of the Central Bank of Nigeria Act 2007, “cause the Governor and the Deputy Governor to cease from holding office in the CBN”.

But before going into some of the shocking revelations of the FRCN report, the question is: Why are some Nigerians shedding tears for the suspended governor? The answer is simple. First, we, Nigerians, are a very gullible people.  We hardly learn by our experiences.

Even those of us who proclaim, with confidence, that we can never be tricked by conmen or money-doublers or such fraudsters find ourselves, every now and then, victims of these men and women. The suspended CBN governor wears the appearance of an innocent professional; he is articulate and always sanctimonious in talk.

Until the revelations, by the FRCN report, of the sordid and shameful events that led to the President’s decision to suspend Sanusi, many Nigerians believed that he was a man who could never contemplate anything indecent, not to talk of fraud.

The truth, however, is that Sanusi plotted and strategised for everything right from when he was appointed governor of the CBN in 2009. From that time, he knew where he was going and what he wanted. His main strategy was to attack, weaken or circumvent all those he thought might stand in his way – his professional colleagues in the banking industry, the National Assembly and then the President.

Rather fortunately for Sanusi, the flawed 2007 CBN Act was an effective weapon in his hands. With it, he combined the tactics of intimidation, harassment and blackmail in combating all possible obstacles in his way.

Soon after assuming office, Sanusi attacked the nation’s commercial banks and removed their Managing Directors, an action which many described as an unlawful intimidation. But the CBN governor defended his decision by citing provisions of the CBN Act which gave him the powers to do so.

Then Sanusi moved on to the National Assembly and applied a different strategy, that of blackmail. He announced to Nigerians that 25.41 percent of the nation’s budget was expended on legislators’ salaries and allowances.

It is needless to say that the lawmakers were embarrassed to the core. Senators struggled to convince Nigerians that only 3.5 per cent was spent on legislators’ salaries and allowances. But, how many Nigerians listened to them? Sanusi’s figures had stuck to their memories and that, for them, was the end of the matter.

Sanusi also took up President Jonathan. When the CBN governor accused the NNPC of failure to remit $49.8 billion to the Federation Account and deliberately leaked his letter to the press, there was pressure on him from Nigerians and the Presidency to resign his appointment.

It was reported that Sanusi, not only refused to resign, but also challenged the President on a heated telephone conversation that he could not be removed by the President except by two-third of the Senate, as required by law.

As Sanusi tackled his perceived opponents, using one strategy or the other, he operated as a sovereign and parallel government, committing a series of illegal acts as listed in the FRCN report. While by law the President cannot and does not spend money unless duly appropriated for by the National Assembly, Sanusi claimed that he had no such constraints and hence was able to dole out funds for projects without appropriation and outside the CBN mandate.

The style of the CBN governor has been that of an unrestrained spendthrift who moves from one launch occasion to another dishing out public funds.

When all the smoke and gimmicks have evaporated, Sanusi must be made to face the reality that he has committed serious breaches of the law for which he must be brought to book. That brings to the fore one remarkable thing about President Jonathan.

Although the President may appear slow in acting his machinery of justice and fair play, like the wheel of the law, will certainly always catch up with all those who have transgressed against the nation. Sanusi should not escape justice.

Mr. JOHN AINOFENOKHAIi, a political analyst, wrote from Benin City, Edo State.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Corrupted values, ignorance responsible for terrorism - Jonathan

The President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, has blamed terrorism on corrupted values and ignorance in the country.
Jonathan, in a nationwide broadcast to mark Nigeria’s 100 years of existence, however, vowed that his government would do all it can to bring to an end the attacks on Nigerians by terrorists, especially in the North East.
He said: “We recognise that the root cause of militancy, terrorism and insurgency is not the strength of extremist ideas but corrupted values and ignorance.”
Jonathan, who spoke on Wednesday night, said he was deeply saddened by the death of several Nigerians, following attacks by the dreaded sect, Boko Haram.
He said: “My dear compatriots, as we celebrate our centenary, the security situation in some of our North-Eastern States, sadly remains a major concern for us. Just yesterday, young students, full of hopes and dreams for a great future, were callously murdered as they slept in their college dormitories in Yobe State. I am deeply saddened by their deaths and that of other Nigerians at the hands of terrorists. Our hearts go out to their parents and relatives, colleagues and school authorities.
“We will continue to do everything possible to permanently eradicate the scourge of terrorism and insurgency from our country.  We recognise that the root cause of militancy, terrorism and insurgency is not the strength of extremist ideas but corrupted values and ignorance.
“That is why our counter-terrorism strategy is not just about enforcing law and order as we have equipped our security forces to do. It also involves expanding economic opportunities, social inclusion, education and other measures that will help restore normalcy not just in the short term, but permanently.
“I want to reassure Nigerians that terrorism, strife and insecurity in any part of Nigeria are abhorrent and unacceptable to us. I urge leaders throughout Nigeria to ensure that ethnicity and religion are not allowed to become political issues.”
Jonathan said Nigeria’s 100 years of existence is worth celebrating despite the challenges.
He described the centenary celebration as a significant milestone in the history of Nigeria.
He said he has firm belief in the continued existence of Nigeria as one unit and believes that the country would still be together in another 100 years to celebrate again.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Finally, Sanusi Sues Jonathan Over ‘Illegal’ Suspension

According to a suit filed at a Federal High Court sitting in Abuja late on Monday, Sanusi is challenging his suspension from office; and he has implored the court to, among others, restrain the president — alongside Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) and the Inspector General of Police (IGP) — from giving effect to his suspension, pending the determination of his lawsuit.

He is also seeking an order of interlocutory injunction restraining the defendants from obstructing, disturbing, stopping or preventing him in any manner, from performing the functions of his office and enjoying in full, the statutory powers and privileges attached to the office of the governor of the CBN.

Making a case for the reasons why the court should grant the prayers in his interlocutory application, he said the president’s unlawful interference with the management and administration of the CBN can only be left unaddressed at the expense of the country’s economy. Granting his application, he argued, will encourage parties to maintain the status quo until the determination of the substantive case.

In a supporting affidavit, Sanusi maintained that his suspension is the consequence of his outcry over the $20bn in crude oil sales that was unremitted by the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). He explained that while performing his duties as Governor of CBN, he discovered certain discrepancies in respect of amounts repatriated to the federation account from the proceed of crude oil sales between the period of January 2012 and July 2013.

He said he expressed concerns about the said discrepancies and went ahead to notify the National Assembly, considering its huge effect on revenue of the federation and the national economy. His suspension, he insisted, is aimed at punishing him for the disclosures.

Sanusi stated clearly that he was challenging the president’s power to suspend him from office, especially as the Senate was not approached to ratify the decision.

“I have been informed, and I verily believe the information given to me by Senator Bukola Saraki to be true and correct that the Senate did not give the president any support for my purported suspension and removal from office as Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria”, a part of the document read.

He described his suspension as a contravention of provisions of the Central Bank of Nigeria Act relating to the appointment and removal of the CBN Governor. He therefore branded the act an unlawful interference in the administration and management of the apex bank, which is illegal, null and void.

President Goodluck Jonathan suspended Sanusi Lamido as CBN Governor on 20th February 2014, claiming reliance on a report of the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRCN) that indicted the governor of “financial recklessness and misconduct”.

But the widespread belief is that Sanusi’s suspension was triggered by his well-documented outspokenness, particularly his recent revelation of NNPC’s failure to remit $20bn in crude oil sales to the federation account.

During his presidential media chat yesterday, Jonathan claimed that Sanusi remains the governor of CBN, yet the president nominated both an Acting Governor and a substantive replacement for Sanusi exactly on the day his suspension was announced.

Sanusi gave me a contract of N5 billion Malam Nasir Elrifai

The indicted former BPE chairman and the Deputy National Secretary of APC, Malam Nasir Elrufai, who was part of the APC welcoming group, that received Sanusi after his return from Niger Republic last week, has admitted receiving a contract of N5billion for the design of the proposed N100billion CBN Civic center in Abuja from Sanusi Lamido.

El-Rufai confirmed that the contract from Mallam Sanusi Lamido was to his company, El-Rufai and Partners. The talkative politician made this confession about contract award to him on Camera in an interview today in the FCT, Abuja.
According El-Rufai's friends, the former FCT Minister's anger over Sanusi's suspension is mainly from the fear that he is now sure that he will lose that Design contract of N5billion from the disgraced CBN former Governor.

Sanusi also donated N100million to Maj Gen Muhammadu Buhari in 2011 for his presidential campaign against President Jonathan.
He also donated N1billion to APC for the party to open offices across the country. Another N300million was donated by sanusi to another APC former Governors towards the 2015 Presidential election to ensure that any effort to Re-Elect President Goodluck Jonathan will be defeated.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Sanusi was a mistake —UTOMI

abuja—As controversy rages over the suspension of Mallam Sanusi Lamido, a renowned economist, Professor Pat Utomi has berated the tenure of  Lamido as a Central  Bank governor, describing his original appointment as “a huge mistake”

Prof. Pat Utomi

Prof. Pat Utomi

Reacting to the suspension of the controversial apex bank chief in a chat in Abuja, the Director of Lagos Business School, said Sanusi should never have been appointed as a Central Bank governor in the first place, declaring “it should not have happened”

Utomi joined two Senior Advocates of Nigeria, Mr. Femi Falana  and Chief Mike Ozhekome who had issued legal positions on the suspension of the apex bank chief. While Falana blamed Sanusi for not resigning when so directed by President Goodluck Jonathan, Ozhekome cited alleged infringements of extant rules to justify Sanusi’s suspension.

Utomi, however, faulted the nomination and appointment of Sanusi five years ago on the ground that the suspended bank chief lacked certain qualities of a Central Bank Governor

Utomi said:  “It should not have happened. Sanusi’s appointments was wrong in the first place. He was not suitable for the job. CBN governors  all over the World are men of great discretion in actions, pronouncements and deeds.”

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi Governor CBN letter of Suspension from office


19th February, 2014


Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi Governor,

Central Bank of Nigeria, Abuja.


1. Following the Report of the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria on the Audited Financial Statements of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) for the year ended 31st December 2012, and other related issues, I write to convey to you His Excellency, Mr. President’s decision that you be suspended from office as Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria with effect from Thursday 20th February 2014.

2. The decision is predicated on the loss of confidence in your ability to lead the Apex Bank towards the achievement of its statutory mandate. Of particular concern is the fact that, under your watch, the bank has carried out its functions in a manner characterised by disregard for due process and accountability.

3. This is exemplified by various acts of financial recklessness and unprofessional conduct which are inconsistent with the administration’s vision of a Central Bank propelled by the core values of focused economic management, prudence, transparency and financial discipline.

4. The particulars of the infractions are highlighted below:

5. Persistent Refusal and/or Negligence to comply with the Public Procurement Act in the Procurement Practices of the Central Bank of Nigeria

(a) By virtue of Section 15(1) (a) of the Public Procurement Act, the provisions of the Act are expected to apply to all ‘procurement of goods, works and services carried out by the Federal Government of Nigeria and all procurement entities.’ The definition clearly includes the Central Bank of Nigeria.

(b) It is however regrettable the Central Bank of Nigeria under your leadership, has refused and/or neglected to comply with the provisions of the Public Procurement (PPA). You will recall that one of the primary reasons for the enactment of the PPA was the need to promote transparency, competitiveness, cost effectiveness and professionalism in the public sector procurement system.

(c) Available information indicates the Central Bank has over the years engaged in procurement of goods, works and services with billions of naira each year without complying with the express provisions of the PPA.

(d) By deliberately refusing to be bound by the Provisions of the Act, the CBN has not only decided to act in an unlawful manner, but also persisted in promoting a governance regime characterised by financial recklessness, waste and impunity, as demonstrated by the contents of the 2012 Financial Statements.

6. No responsible government will tolerate this blatant disregard for its laws and procedures by any person or institution. The Central Bank, by its unique position, ought to show good example and be the leading light in the promotion of the culture of observance of due process.

7. Unlawful Expenditure by the Central Bank of Nigeria on ‘Intervention Projects’ across the country
(a) The unacceptable level of financial recklessness displayed by the leadership of the Central Bank of Nigeria is typified by the execution of ‘Intervention Projects’ across the country. From available information, the Bank has either executed or is currently executing about 63 (sixty-three) such projects across the country. Please find attached hereto as Annexure I, a letter dated January 7th, 2014 from the CBN confirming the list of projects across the country to which the CBN has committed N163 Billion (One Hundred and Sixty Billion Naira).

(b) It is inexcusable and patently unlawful for any agency of Government to deploy huge sums of money as the CBN has done in this case, without appropriation and outside the CBN’s statutory mandate. It is trite that the expenditure of public funds by any arm of government must be based on clear legal mandates, prudent costing and overriding national interest.

(c) Cognisant of the attendant negative consequence of the CBN’s action, a review of the Central Bank (Establishment) Act 2007 does not disclose any legal basis for the huge expenditure on intervention projects in default of appropriation.

8. Financial Infractions and Acts of Financial Recklessness Committed by the Central Bank as reflected in its Audited Financial Statements for 2012.

(a) Pursuant to Section 50 of the CBN Act 2007, a copy of the Audited Financial Statement of the Central Bank for the year ended 31st December 2012 was sent to Mr. President (Please, find a copy attached hereto as Annexure II). Based on the issues raised in the financial statement, a response was requested from Sanusi to enable a proper appreciation of the nation’s economic outlook. (Please, find attached a copy of the letter dated 4th May, 2013 as Annexure III).

(b) Your response to this query (Annexure IV) was further referred to the Financial Reporting Council by a letter of 12th April, 2013, for review (Annexure V).
The review of the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria, rather than allay the fears of Government, further confirmed concern about the untidy manner in which you have conducted the operations of the CBN (Annexure VI).

9. Some of the salient observations arising from the review are highlighted below:
(a) In a most ironical manner, it has become obvious that the CBN is not able to prepare its financial statements using applicable International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) whereas Deposit Money Banks that the CBN is supervising have complied with this national requirement since 2012. Undoubtedly, this laxity on the part of our apex bank, apart from calling to question its capacity for proper corporate governance, is capable of sending wrong signals to both domestic and international investors on the state of the Nigerian economy.

(b) The provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by the CBN and other Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) on Banking Resolution Sinking Fund have been breached in a material manner. For example, a Board of Trustees (BOT) to manage the Fund has not been constituted since 2010 when it was established. The CBN has however continued to utilise the Fund for certain operations without the approval of the said BOT.

(c) Contrary to Section 34(b) of the CBN Act 2007 which provides that the CBN shall not, except as provided in Section 31 of the Act, inter alia, purchase the shares of any corporation or company, unless an entity set up by the approval of the authority of the Federal Government, CBN in 2010, acquired 7% shares of International Islamic Liquidity Management Corporation of Malaysia to the tune of N0.743 Billion. This transaction was neither brought to Mr. President’s attention nor was a Board approval obtained before it was entered into.

(d) The CBN has failed or refused to implement the provisions of the Personal Income Tax (Amendment) Act 2007. Accordingly the Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) deductions of its staff are still being computed in accordance with the defunct Personal Income Tax Act 2004, thus effectively assisting its staff to evade tax, despite the generous wage package in the CBN, relative to other sectors of the economy.

(e) The CBN had an additional brought forward to General Reserve Fund of N16.031 Billion in 2012 but proceeded on a voyage of indefensible expenses in 2012 characterised by inexplicable increases in some heads of expenditure during the year. Examples include:
(i) The bank spent N3.086 Billion ‘promotional activities’ in 2012 (up from N1.084 Billion in 2011). The bank spent this sum even when it is not in competition with any other institution in Nigeria;

(ii) The CBN claimed to have expended N20.202 Billion on ‘Legal and Professional Fees’ in 2011, beyond all reasonable standards of prudence and accountability;(iii) Between expenses on ‘Private Guards’ and ‘Lunch for Policemen’, the CBN claimed to have spent N1.257 Billion in 2012;

(iv) While Section 6(3) (c) of the CBN Act 2007 provides that the Board of the CBN is to make recommendations to Mr. President on the rate of remuneration to Auditors, the Bank has consistently observed this provision in the breach and even went to the extent of changing one of its Joint External Auditors without notifying the office of the President.

(f) In the explanations offered by the CBN pursuant to Presidential directives, it offered a breakdown of ‘Currency Issue Expenses’ for 2011 and 2012. Interestingly, it claimed to have paid a total of N38.233 Billion to the Nigerian Security Printing and Minting Company Limited (NSPMC) in 2011 for Printing of Banknotes’. Paradoxically however, in the same 2011, NSPMC reported a total turnover of N29.370 Billion for all its transaction with all clients (including the CBN)

(g) It is significant to note that the external audit revealed balances of sundry foreign currencies without physical stock of foreign currencies in the CBN Head Office.

10. Questionable write-off of N40 billion naira loans of bank
You may wish to specifically not Annexure VII which highlights a number of transactions and breaches, which include the write-off of loans totalling N40 billion

11. The above issues are only few of the infractions highlighted by the review and which point to the gross incompetence and recklessness which characterised the operations of the CBN in the period under review.

12. In light of the foregoing, and pursuant to the provisions of Section 7 (2) (a), Section 8 (1) (k), Section 62 (1) (c) and 62 (3) of Financial Reporting council of Nigeria Act, a copy of this letter is being forwarded to the Executive Secretary of the Council for his notification and further necessary action with a view to addressing the urgent need to reposition the bank for the effective discharge of its statutory mandate.

13. You are, by this letter, directed to hand over to most senior Deputy Governor, Dr. Sarah Alade who will act as Governor till the conclusion of the investigation into these far reaching breaches.

Please accept, as always, the assurances of my highest regards and esteem.

Anyim Pius Anyim, GCON
Secretary to the Government of the Federation

How Sanusi, Saraki, Lai Alabi Allegedly Fraudulently Acquired Intercontinental Bank Plc

Exclusive Document: How Sanusi, Saraki, Lai Alabi Allegedly Fraudulently Acquired Intercontinental Bank Plc

SAN FRANCISCO, February 21, (THEWILL) – THEWILL has exclusively obtained a letter addressed to President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan detailing how Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, the suspended Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Senator Bukola Saraki and Mahmoud Lai Alabi took over the now defunct Intercontinental Bank from its founder and deposed Group Managing Director, Mr. Erastus Akingbola.

The 7-page letter dated February 09, 2014, which was written by Mr. Akingbola revealed the intrigues and private conversations between himself, billionaire Aliko Dangote, Senator Saraki and Mallam Sanusi before Sanusi eased him out of the bank.








I’ll perform ground breaking of 2nd Niger Bridge in March -Jonathan

President Goodluck Jonathan has assured Nigerians that he would perform the ground breaking of the 2nd Niger Bridge “before Governor Peter Obi leaves office on March 17″.

Jonathan said this on Saturday when he paid a visit to Igwe Alfred Achebe, the Obi of Onitsha, in his palace.
The 2nd Niger Bridge was part of President Jonathan’s campaign promises to the people of the South East and South South zones.
The project was conceived in order to decongest the existing bridge across the River Niger in Onitsha.
Jonathan said: “By the time I am doing the ground breaking, I want pile drivers and other equipment to be on ground.
“Immediately the ground breaking is done, work will start up and our people here will start seeing reality on ground.
“The 1st Niger Bridge was built by Azikiwe (Nnamdi) and the 2nd Niger Bridge will be done by another Azikiwe (Goodluck Jonathan) before he leaves office.”
The President thanked Anambra State people for their overwhelming support, assuring them that the Peoples Democratic Party and the All Progressives Grand Alliance would “continue to work together for the progress of our people”.
On security, Jonathan said that the security challenges were getting sophisticated daily, noting that the Federal Government was also equal to the task.
“We are trying to get more equipped; we know the challenge and we are working hard to overcome it,” he said.
Jonathan thanked Igwe Achebe for keeping peace in his domain as well as helping the Federal and Anambra State governments to conduct peaceful elections.
He thanked Obi for his development strides, stressing that Anambra State remained one of the few states “not owing anybody or financial institution.
“Your governor, Peter Obi, had been a prudent manager of both human and financial resources and has lifted the state to an enviable height”.
Jonathan said Obi would continue to work with him, having been a member of his Economic Management Team.
Earlier, the Obi of Onitsha reminded the President of the 2nd Niger Bridge promise.
He said: “You promised this during your campaign here and also assured that the bridge will be completed within your tenure in office.
“We beg you to start it now.
“And it will be a great legacy for you.”
Achebe thanked Jonathan for the ongoing Zik’s mausoleum project, adding that Jonathan had finally turned the age-long dream into reality.
The monarch lauded Jonathan for the courage in organising a national conference where the issues of the country would be freely discussed.
He urged Jonathan to find solution to insecurity, especially the issue of Boko Haram, as well as empowerment of Nigerians.
“I would urge you to remain focused in your transformation agenda and I assure you that we are backing you as well as praying for your success always,” Achebe added.
Obi thanked the President for coming home again to Anambra State, adding: “You don’t need to campaign here any longer.
“All people from various walks of life are already backing you in this state.”
Traders’’ executives, the academia, traditional rulers and titled-men as well as present and past top government functionaries came to the palace to welcome President Jonathan.
Jonathan was accompanied by PDP chieftains, including Dr. Adamu Mu’azu, The National Chairman; Chief Tony Aninih, Chairman of the Board of Trustees; and Senator Ben Obi, Special Adviser to the President on Political Matters.
Others were Chief Arthur Eze, an industrialist; and Governor Theodore Orji of Abia State.

Jonathan to defected PDP members: Time to join us is now

President Goodluck Jonathan 6

For members of the Peoples Democratic Party who have defected to the All Progressives Congress, President Goodluck Jonathan has advised them to retrace their steps now before it is too late.
“The message today is very clear: the time to join us is now so that there will be nothing like discrimination. This is the best time to join us,” President Jonathan said.
Addressing a mammoth crowd in Owerri, the Imo state capital, on Saturday, the President said party members who have defected and still have political ambition should return to the party now, promising that they would not be discriminated against.
The rally, christened ‘Unity Rally”, was organized to welcome top politicians in the state, including a former Governor, Chief Achike Udenwa, back to the party.
Present at the well-attended rally were Vice President Namadi Sambo; The Senate President, David Mark; the National Chairman of the PDP, Alhaji Adamu Mu’azu; the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the PDP, Chief Tony Anenih; the Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekwerenmadu; the Deputy Speaker, Emeka Ihedioha; and a former Governor of Imo State, Chief Ikhedi Ohakim.
Speaking further, President Jonathan regretted the internal crisis that led to the defection of key party chieftains in 2011.
He, however, assured them that they would be treated equally without discrimination.
His words: “We are here for a unity rally.
“We are here because some of us stepped aside and they have stepped back into the party.
“The PDP has come back strong in Imo State.
“I welcome all of you back to the party.
“PDP promotes the rule of law, inclusiveness and stability.
“PDP is the only stabilizing factor in Nigeria’s political journey.”
Jonathan said the non-adherence to democratic tenets in 2011 has become a thing of the past, adding: “Now we must follow the rule of law and completely follow the concept of democracy.
“This is the only party that can lead the country to where we want to go.
“The Imo people have spoken PDP: has regained this state.
“We formally welcome our brothers and sisters.
“Without them there will be no politics in Imo State.”
Addressing the rally earlier, Udenwa said they left the party because of the internal wrangling that led to the loss of the 2011 governorship election to the then All Progressives Grand Alliance.
Udenwa promised the party leadership that they would work for President Jonathan and ensure that the party regains the governorship seat in 2015.

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Pastor Fireman had been granted bail, Teenage boy still in detention for murder

Pastor Sign Fireman

More than 40 days after 18-year-old Ikechukwu Friday was arrested and detained for murder at the State Criminal Investigations Department, Homicide Section ‘D4’, the teenager is yet to be charged to court.
Ironically, the legendary Pastor Ofuche Ukoha, popularly known as Dr. Sign Fireman, who was fingered as an accomplice in the murder of the 12-year-old victim identified as Bose, had been granted bail.
Fireman had since returned home to continue with his church ministry.
The Lagos State Police spokesperson, Ngozi Braide, said Ikechukwu was still in detention because of procedural issues in the Force.
Braide added: “Ikechukwu committed murder by killing the victim.
“Pastor Fireman was only alleged by the suspect.
“Since there is no evidence yet against Fireman, he was granted bail.”
It would be recalled that the SCID on January, 6, 2014 paraded Ikechukwu for strangling 12-year-old Bose to death in an uncompleted building after calling her out from her mother’s cafeteria, where she was serving food to customers.
When the suspect beckoned on Bose and took her to the uncompleted building, the girl had innocently followed because she knew him.
An eyewitness had seen Ikechukwu snuffing life out of the girl and screamed, alerting people around, leading to his arrest.
The suspect later fingered Pastor Fireman as the person who dangled a reward of N100,000 if he could succeed in bringing the faeces of a virgin to him.
According to Ikechukwu, his pastor allegedly said he wanted to use the deceased girl’s faeces to resurrect dead people.
Fireman is the General Overseer of Perfect Christianity Mission, located around Aguda area of Lagos State.
Ikechukwu denied that he wanted to use the slain girl for ritual purpose, insisting that he needed money and had approached the pastor, who asked him to strangle a teenage girl to death and come back with her excreta in order to get money.
Braide added: “The case file had already been sent to Directorate of Public Prosecution.
“It’s not all cases that are sent to DPP.
“Only special cases.
“Right now, police cannot do anything about the case, pending DPP’s advice.
“It’s DPP’s advice that will determine who will be charged to court.
“Fireman was granted bail with reliable sureties.
“If the time for court comes, depending on DPP’s advice, he would be re-arrested and taken to court.”

Thursday 20 February 2014


Having taken special notice of reports of the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria and other investigating bodies, which indicate clearly that Mallam Sanusi Lamido  Sanusi’s tenure has been characterized by various acts of financial recklessness and misconduct which are inconsistent with the administration’s vision of a Central Bank propelled by the core values of focused economic management, prudence, transparency and financial discipline;

Being also deeply concerned about far-reaching irregularities  under Mallam Sanusi’s watch which have distracted the Central Bank away from the pursuit and achievement of its statutory mandate; and  

Being determined to urgently re-position the Central Bank of Nigeria for greater efficiency, respect for due process and accountability, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has ordered the immediate suspension of Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi from the Office of Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria.  

President Jonathan has further ordered that Mallam Sanusi should hand over to the most senior Deputy Governor of the CBN, Dr Sarah Alade who will serve as Acting Governor until the conclusion of on-going investigations into breaches of enabling laws, due process and mandate of  the CBN.

The President expects that as Acting Governor of the Central Bank, Dr. Alade will focus on the core mandate of the Bank and conduct its affairs with greater professionalism, prudence and propriety to restore domestic and international confidence in the country’s apex bank.

The Federal Government of Nigeria reassures all stakeholders in Nigeria’s financial and monetary system that this decision has been taken in absolute good faith, in the overall interest of the Nigerian economy and in accordance with our laws and due process.  


Reuben Abati

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

February 20, 2014

Sunday 16 February 2014

APC chieftain killed as Valentine party turns bloody in Kwara

Tragedy struck on Friday night in Oro, Kwara State as a stray police bullet killed a 35-year-old politician during a party to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day.

The party was held at the Topmost Hotel, Oro in Irepodun Local Government Area.

The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the deceased, who is a chieftain of the All Progressives Congress, Femi Oladipo, died instantly from the bullet wound.

Oladipo was a former chairmanship aspirant on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party in the November, 2013 local government election in the state before defecting to the APC.

The death of Oladipo has triggered a protest in the town, with some anti-riot policemen and soldiers drafted to the scene on Saturday.

A witness told NAN on condition of anonymity that a stray bullet from one of two policemen providing security at the hotel hit Oladipo’s chest at 11:45pm.

He said that Oladipo was mediating in a minor disagreement among some youths when the incident occurred.

The source told NAN that the policeman hit the butt of his gun against a wall, then it discharged a bullet and hit Oladipo.

“Oladipo was calming down the youth who were engaged in a minor disagreement when the policeman hit the gun,” the source said.

NAN gathered that two policemen were detailed to the hotel to provide security for some members of a church holding a crusade.

The members had earlier obtained a police permit.

It was in the same hotel that some youths, including the deceased, were having a Valentine party.

NAN learnt that the deceased recently returned from the United States of America.

The Spokesman for the Kwara State Police Command, ASP Ajayi Okasanmi, confirmed the incident, saying that the affected policeman was already undergoing an interrogation at the command’s headquarters in Ilorin.

Okasanmi said: “It was true a police officer’s gun was accidentally discharged and killed a man at the hotel where he was to provide security.

“The officer affected has been arrested and currently undergoing police orderly room interrogation at the Kwara State Police headquarters, Ilorin.”

The chairman of the local government council, Luqman Owolewa, described the incident as “very unfortunate”.

Owolewa said that the council was doing everything possible to calm the aggrieved youth.

The body of the deceased has since been deposited at the mortuary.

Friday 14 February 2014

Governor weeps as Boko Haram kills 39 in Borno

Gunmen suspected to be members of the outlawed Boko Haram sect, Tuesday night, attacked Konduga, a village 35km from Maiduguri, the Borno State capital.

At least 39 persons were killed in the attack while several others were injured, residents and government officials said.
They said hundreds of houses were also burnt.
The attackers, who invaded the quiet agrarian town at about 6 p.m. on Tuesday, did not leave until four hours later, after they had burnt down hundreds of homes, schools, clinics and the central mosque using bombs and sophisticated arms.
A grocery seller in the village, Mustapha Umar, who spoke to journalists, said the insurgents that attacked them were over 400.
“They are very plenty, at least 400 of them because anywhere you turn to, you see them in tens moving and shooting”, he said. “We had to flee for our dear lives; even the few soldiers in town could not stand them because their guns were mounted on vehicles while some threw explosives that brought down the Central mosque, the maternity clinic, the district head’s palace and several other places.”
The petty trader said, “More than 50 people were injured and taken to the hospital, while we are now preparing to bury 39 of our people that died. We don’t know how much would be found in the bushes later”.
Governor condoles residents Walking amidst debris of burnt houses and buildings, the Borno State governor, Kashim Shettima, wept all through as he commiserated with villagers, mostly women and children whose homes and houses were razed.
“We will never give in to the antics of the Boko Haram. This is our land we will stay here and salvage it together,” Mr. Shettima said.
“We will never be frustrated; we will never give in to Boko Haram. Look at what these lunatics did; they burnt down mosques; churches, they burnt hapless people’s homes and so on; I don’t know whether to call them criminals or lunatics; the issue of people linking them with the religion of Islam should not arise, because as I always said Islam does not sanction what these lots are doing.”
The villagers cried for shelter, food, and clothing as the governor consoled them.
He directed the commissioner for local government and chieftaincy affairs “to immediately effect the release of N100million for the immediate renovation and rebuilding of the burnt homes, schools, clinics, and other worship places”.
“I sympathise deeply with the people of Konduga over this unfortunate incident. It was more shocking given the intensity of the attack. I have told the people that come rain come shine we all have to stay in Borno and salvage the situation together. We have immediately ordered for the release of N100 million to start the rehabilitation work and the purchase of items like food, clothing, beddings and so on, for the hapless victims of this madness.
“I have gone round the town and have seen that up to 70 per cent of the town have been razed to the ground. Most facilities have been burnt down; schools, hospital, dispensaries, government office and even the district palace have been burnt. We are willing to expend whatever resources it will take to restore back those facilities. Even if it cost us a billion naira to fix back the damages; so be it,” the governor said. soldiers have failed Residents who spoke to PREMIUM TIMES said they were not happy because the soldiers did not protect them during the attack.
“Even the soldiers that we trusted to defend us had to flee; if the soldiers say they could not stand their superior weapons, who are we to feel safe any longer; we need more soldiers, this is the second time in the last three week in this local government”, said Abba Bashir, a trader.
But the state governor believes the soldiers tried their best, given the poor equipment they have and their low morale.
He said, “Frankly speaking the officers and men of the Nigerian Army and the Nigerian Police force are doing their best given the circumstance they face; but all of us know that the Boko Haram are better armed and better motivated.
“We seriously believe there is the need for additional troops, and additional support from the military. But I am an eternal optimist; and I hope and pray that the federal government will very soon rise against the challenges of the day. We hope with the impending appointment of a very celebrated retired army general as the minister of Defence, we are seeing light at the end of the tunnel, Insha Allah”.
“We really need more troops here in Borno State. As we are talking now, I learnt that an attack by Boko Haram is ongoing right in Izge Town of Gwoza Local Government Area. As we are talking at the moment, the boys are burning down the town of Izge; and this is unfortunate,” the governor said at about 2:00 p.m.
“I am not holding brief for the military, but I am working closely with them and the Nigeria police force. I know they are handicapped. I know they are highly committed to fighting this war. I mean this counter-insurgency operation. But they have their own problems. The Boko Haram insurgency seems to be beyond them.
“But without additional troops on ground, and more modern equipment, there is no way we can win this war. You know the Boko Haram are more sophisticated; and they came in with more sophisticated arms, anti-air craft rifles and bombs, which our military do not have. They have no option than to flee for dear lives just like the common civilians.”
Mr. Shettima, who spent about five hours in the attacked town, had to participate in the mass funeral for the 39 deceased person at the premises of the Konduga central mosque which was also bombed to rubbles during the attack.
The governor said he would not leave Konduga until some of the relief items he ordered for the people began to arrive.
“I am not going to Maiduguri until 5pm when the relief items I ordered to be brought arrived. I have warned that no one should bother me with security risk of being in Konduga town for long. Anybody that is in my government and is willing to work with me must be prepared to share in the plight of the people by remaining here with them.
Premium Times.