Thursday 31 October 2013

Reps summon Oduah to appear on Thursday

The House of Representatives Committee on Aviation on Wednesday re-issued its summon on the Minister of Aviation, Princess Stella Oduah, to appear at its investigative hearing on October 31 (today).

Oduah is expected to clarify issues relating to the controversial purchase of two BMW bullet proof cars by the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority.
The committee also stressed that failure to honour “this last invitation” would be viewed as deliberate.
It added that she would therefore be made to face the consequences of her action according to the provisions of the law.
Oduah was to appear before the panel on October 24, but wrote to the committee that she was out of the country for the signing of Bilateral Air Services Agreement between Nigeria and Israel.

Senate uncovers purchase of another four armoured vehicles for Oduah, FAAN MD

FAAN buys four armoured cars, 202 vehicles illegally

As the controversy over the purchase of two BMW 760Li Series armoured cars by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority rages on, another illegal purchase has been discovered.
The Senate Committee on Aviation on Wednesday confirmed that the Federal Aviation Authority of Nigeria also purchased illegally 206 vehicles, including two armoured Lexus Limousine cars and two armoured Toyota Prado jeeps.
It was also discovered that two of the four vehicles are said to be for the embattled Minister of Aviation, Princess Stella Oduah, and another two for the Managing Director of FAAN, George Uriesi.
Some of the vehicles were also bought for the use of directors of the agency.
Uriesi told the Senate committee that the limousines were bought for N60 million each but could not however confirm the cost of the Prado Jeeps, adding that the vehicles are in the custody of a bank.
Asked to name the bank that funded the purchase of the vehicles as claimed, Uriesi declined.
He also disclosed that Oduah approved the purchase but added that he did not sign.
According to Uriesi, who was spoke at a public hearing convened to address the crisis in the aviation sector, somebody signed on his behalf.
He equally declined to mention the person.
The Chairman, Senate Committee on Aviation, Hope Uzondinma said: “Investigation is still ongoing and it will not be fair for me to pre-empt it.
“FAAN did confirm that among the operational vehicles they purchased, four of them are armoured vehicles, two for the MD and two for the minister.
“And we told them to go back and put everything in writing and make a comprehensive statement on all vehicles purchased.
“That they bought a total number of 202 vehicles for different operations.
“So until they come back on Monday, we cannot rush into conclusion.
“The MD FAAN said they did a funding arrangement with a commercial bank.”
The chairman assured Nigerians of a thorough investigation of extra-budgetary spendings by the aviation parastatals.
His words: “This investigation will be a very deep one so that at the end of the day, we do a holistic approach and look at how the sector will be repositioned so that all anomalies will be corrected.

N225m BMW cars: Finance ministry granted N10.1m import waiver to Coscharis Motors

The Nigerian Customs Service on Wednesday said that the Federal Ministry of Finance granted a waiver of N10.1 million to Coscharis Motors for the purchase of the two BMW cars by the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority.

The NCS told the House of Representatives Committee on Aviation investigating the alleged importation of the cars by the NCAA for the Minister of Aviation, Princess Stella Oduah, that the said waiver was to import 300 vehicles, including the controversial two BMW cars.
Representative of the Comptroller-General of the NCS, Manasseh Jatau, a Deputy Comptroller of Customs, disclosed this in his presentation at the public hearing of the case on Wednesday in Abuja.
Jatau said the point of entry of the cars was Tincan Port in Lagos, adding that no import duty was collected from the owner of the goods (Coscharis Motors) as a one-year duty waiver for 300 cars was granted in the name of the company for importation of cars for Eko 2012 Games in Lagos State.
Jatau said the exemption on the two BMW cars along with 298 others was at the expense of the Lagos State Government, who would have been the beneficiaries of the payment.
Documents presented to the committee by the NCS showed that the Import Duty, VAT, ETLS, CISS and Port Charges Waiver Certificate was issued by the Ministry of Finance on November 20, 2012.
The document was signed by the Director of Revenue, Rose Ngozi-Maranzu, on behalf of the Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.
Jatau also disclosed that it is contrary to earlier reports that the Office of the National Security Adviser duly issued an approval for the purchase of the armoured cars.
He said a signed copy of a pre-shipment inspection end-user certificate issued by the NSA on June 6, 2013, showed that due approval was gotten from the office for Coscharis Motors to import three armoured cars valued at $223,653.48 into Nigeria for commercial purposes.
The document, identified as “Form A”, had the stamp of the Office of the National Security Adviser appended on it.
Members of the Committee were engaged, for over 30 minutes, in a heated argument with Coscharis Motors in a move to ascertain the market price of the vehicles.
While the committee insisted that the current price of the vehicle should not exceed N50 million each, Coscharis outrightly refuted this position, saying it could never be the case with a BMW B7 series anywhere in the world.
Coscharis, represented by the company’s Chairman, Cosmos Maduka, alleged that the NCAA demanded an increase in the prices of the controversial vehicles over what the company had submitted earlier.
“NCAA told us that the initial price is not proper,” Maduka, said.
He also said the cars were sold to NCAA as used vehicles, following the delay encountered when the company sought clearance from the office of the NSA.
But the committee insisted that Coscharis deceived the public and the government by saying that the cars were bought for NCAA when actually they were purchased on behalf of the Lagos State Government.
The committee also accused the company of ripping Nigerians off.
According to the committee, the change in the prices of the vehicles from the initial N70 million to N127.5 million, even when the company had admitted that it got waiver from the government not to pay customs duties on the cars, cast aspersion on the company’s position on the prices.
The hearing later took a dramatic turn when the committee discovered that the company supplied different make and type of vehicles.
A member of the committee and spokesperson of the House of Representatives, Hon. Zakari Mohammed, said that the chassis number of one of the vehicles inspected by a delegation from the committee read DW68011.
Mohammed argued that the number differed from what Coscharis gave in its correspondences with the office of the NSA.
But in a swift response, Maduka refuted this, quoting the chassis numbers as 68044 and 68432 respectively.
He, however, promised to send the certificate issued by the NSA for the purchase of to the committee.
Earlier, the company had requested to play a video to demonstrate how exotic the cars were in a bid to justify the prices, but the request was turned down by the committee.
Also the former Acting Director-General of the NCAA, Joyce Nkemakolam, told the Committee that he approved a leasing agreement rather than a loan, with First Bank Plc on the purchase of the cars because of an advice he received from his colleagues.
A member of the committee, Hon. Raphael Nnanna-Igbokwe, had asked why the NCAA insisted on going on with the leasing agreement after being informed by First Bank Plc that it was not disposed to leasing facility but loan facility.
Nkemakolam said: “I signed the agreement based on advice from my colleagues that leasing and loan facilities are the same.
“I thought the templates are the same.”
The Committee was shocked when the acting Director-General said though as the Chief Executive Officer during the period under investigation, he was not aware of the details of the delivery of the two vehicles.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Nigeria narrows gap to global good practices in business regulation

A new International Finance Corporation and World Bank report finds that in the year from June 2012 to June 2013, Nigeria is closer to the global good practices in business regulations than any time since 2009.
In the past year, Nigeria has had positive developments in such areas as trading across borders, where the time to export and import has been cut, thanks to continued impact this year from previously implemented reform efforts.
Doing Business 2014: Understanding Regulations for Small and Medium-Size Enterprises finds that Nigeria already implements some of the global good practices in the areas of Dong Business.
For example, Nigeria allows a general description of collateral, which makes it easy for local entrepreneurs to get credit.
Since 2005, Nigeria implemented 10 business regulatory reforms making it easier for local entrepreneurs to do business.
The biggest impact was in the area of getting credit, where Nigeria improved its credit information system through a central bank guideline defining the licensing, operational and regulatory requirements for a privately owned credit bureau.
Thanks to this, Nigeria is among the ten economies in the world that made the biggest improvement in getting credit since 2009.
“Business regulatory environment requires strong and sustained actions,” said Augusto Lopez-Claros, Director, Global Indicators and Analysis, World Bank Group. “I look forward to Nigeria’s continued commitment to make the regulatory environment easier for the local entrepreneurs in the coming years.”
Singapore tops the global ranking on the ease of doing business.
Joining it on the list of the top 10 economies with the most business-friendly regulations are Hong Kong SAR, China; New Zealand; the United States; Denmark; Malaysia; the Republic of Korea; Georgia; Norway; and the United Kingdom.
In addition to the global rankings, every year Doing Business reports the economies that have improved the most on the indicators since the previous year.
The 10 economies topping that list this year are (in order of improvement) Ukraine, Rwanda, the Russian Federation, the Philippines, Kosovo, Djibouti, Côte d’Ivoire, Burundi, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Guatemala.
Yet challenges persist: five of this year’s top improvers – Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, the Philippines, and Ukraine – are still in the bottom half of the global ranking on the ease of doing business.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Four burnt to death in Jigawa auto crash

Four persons were burnt to death in a ghastly motor accident on Tuesday in Malammadori Local Government Area of Jigawa State.
Eight other persons sustained injuries in the accident, which occurred along Hadejia-Gumel Road.
Muhammad Gidado, the state Commandant, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, confirmed the accident.
Gidado said the accident occurred when a bus with registration number XB 846 AGB collided with a lorry.
He said that the lorry was conveying goats from Gashua in Yobe State while the passenger bus was travelling from Gumel to Hadejia, also in Yobe State.
Gidado explained that the two vehicles burst into flames as a result of which the four persons were burnt to death.
He said: “We could not ascertain the cause of the accident and the lorry driver was burnt to ashes.
“Our men and a team of fire fighters have conducted rescue operation.
“Three corpses have been deposited at the General Hospital, Gumel.”
Gidado further stated that eight other wounded passengers were currently receiving treatment at the hospital.

Boko Haram: Security, humanitarian conditions deteriorating - UNHCR

The United Nations High Commission for Refugees has called on the governments of the countries that border North East Nigeria to leave the borders open for people fleeing Nigeria, who may require international protection.
Briefing newsmen on Tuesday in Geneva, the UNHCR spokesperson, Dan McNorton, said with the renewed escalation of attacks by the dreaded Islamist sect, Boko Haram, there was the need to uphold humanitarian and asylum principles, hence the cooperation of neighbouring countries.
McNorton said: “With the recent escalation of violence in Northeast Nigeria, UNHCR is today advising States against forced returns of people to the region.
“We are also urging that borders be kept open for Nigerians fleeing the country and who may be in need of international protection. Our recommendations are contained in a newly issued Return Advisory, which seeks to ensure that humanitarian and asylum principles are upheld in light of the worsening security situation in north-eastern Nigeria.
“Conflict between the Nigerian army and insurgents in Nigeria’s north-eastern states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe has led to deteriorating security and humanitarian conditions in the region, which has been under the a state of emergency since May.”
The UNHCR said no fewer than 5,000 people have been displaced in the North East region, lamenting that humanitarian access has been hampered by the attacks, noting that the number could be higher.
It said: “Some 10,000 Nigerians have also crossed into neighbouring Cameroon, Chad and Niger in recent months. Most – around 8,100 – have sought refuge in Cameroon, according to local authorities who say that Nigerians are continuing to arrive. The number of Nigerian refugees in Niger is 2,700, and in Chad 150.
“UNHCR has been alarmed at reports of the attempted forced return of 111 people from Cameroon to Nigeria on 5 October. They were expelled from the village of Amchidé, in the Far North region of Cameroon, to Adamawa state in Nigeria. During the incident 15 people were killed and another seven wounded.
“The remaining 89 individuals immediately fled back to Cameroon and were detained. UNHCR is working with the Government of Cameroon to assess whether there are people in the group in need of international protection.
“In light of the security situation in north-eastern Nigeria, people fleeing are likely to meet the criteria for refugee status as outlined in the 1951 Refugee Convention and the OAU Convention. UNHCR’s Return Advisory will remain in effect until the security and human rights situation in north-eastern Nigeria has improved sufficiently to permit a safe and dignified return.”

Man commits suicide in lover’s room, chairman assassinated

Otovwodo community in Warri axis of Delta State has been thrown into shock following the death, by suicide, of a 24-year-old man and the assassination of the town’s Vigilante chairman.
While the young man, simply identified as Emmanuel, hung himself on a ceiling fan in the room of his lover, Esther, 23, the vigilante head died, alongside two others, in a clash between two rival cult groups.
Prior to his suicidal death, Emma, as he was fondly called, lived in Ukpokiti (Agbassa), Warri while his lover (Esther) hails from Oron in Akwa-Ibom State.
The relationship between Emmanuel and Esther was said to be “stronger than death” until a misunderstanding, which lasted till midnight, allegedly broke out between them.
The squabble soon assumed a dangerous dimension, forcing Esther to vacate the room for him and passed the night elsewhere.
Meanwhile, The Eagle Online gathered, it was Esther, who is a hotel attendant in a popular inn at the nearby Igbi Street, that has housed Emmanuel for years.
Disturbed that he must have been jilted by his lover, Emmanuel allegedly took his life, leaving Esther to her fate.
A source said: “She however got the greatest shock of her life when she came back the following morning and saw the unpleasant scene in her apartment.
“She actually forced the door open through the window.
“While she did not raise the alarm immediately over what she saw, she quietly called a female tenant in their compound who advised her to run as far as her legs could carry her before she is mobbed angrily.”
But Esther soon ran out of luck.
A co-tenant overheard their discussion.
The co-tenant swiftly reported the matter to the landlord’s brother, who wasted no time in chasing Esther who was about to board a fast moving ‘Keke’ and brought her down to explain her involvement before the police.
As if that was not enough, the following day, the Chairman of a Vigilante group, Omonigho Okudeje, popularly known as Omones, 47, in Otovwodo’s nearby village, Ginuwa, was assassinated.
Before he was assassinated, Okudeje was known as a “popular, hard-working crime buster”.
He was killed along with his friend, who is fondly called Pender, by yet-to-be identified gunmen in front of his compound along Ginuwa Road.
The assailants were said to have stormed their victim’s compound in a blue colour car and killed Okudeje, who was on a motorbike with his friend.
Okudeje, who hails from Ofuoma Ughelli, was said to have been invited by persistent phone calls from the hotel where Esther (the lover of the young man who committed suicide), was working before he was shot in front of his house.

N255m car scandal: Oduah ignored our invitation 12 times - Reps

The Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Public Procurement, Hon. Jumoke Okoya-Thomas, has said that anyone found culpable in the controversial purchase of two BMW 760Li series cars for the Minister of Aviation, Princess Stella Oduah, must face the full wrath of the law.
The Public Procurement Act, Okoya-Thomas said, stipulates five years jail term without an option of fine for procurement without following due process, insisting that it must be implemented to the letter if there must be sanity in the procurement process.
Addressing reporters at the National Assembly on Monday, Okoya-Thomas insisted the law must take its course because no agency of government would claim ignorance of the provisions of the procurement Act.
The House Committee on Aviation is currently investigating the purchase of two BMW armoured cars at an inflated cost of N255 million
According to Okoya-Thomas: “Section 58 (5) of the Public Procurement Act states that ‘Any persons, who, while carrying out his duties as an officer of the Bureau or any procuring entity who contravenes any provision of this Act, commits an offense and is liable to a conviction of cumulative punishment of (a) a term of imprisonment of not less than five calendar years without any option of fines and (b) summary dismissal from government services.
“I did not put this law there, but the will to implement it is key to sanity in this country and to check excesses.
“Argument of lease purchase does not hold as long as they are going to pay with public funds and to say that NCAA is within the threshold makes it look like splitting the budget, which is another case on its own under the procurement law.”
Okoya-Thomas said Oduah had ignored the committee’s invitation 12 times, thus evading explanation on issues bordering on procurement.
She added: “Our Committee has the responsibility to oversight BPP (Bureau of Public Procurement) and since the core objective of public procurement is to ascertain value for money, we have been having issues with the Ministry of Aviation and agencies under it for some time now.
“It might interest you to know that we have issued out not less than 12 invitations to the Minister of Aviation but she has not deemed it fit to respond even for once. She has always been giving us one excuse or the other.
“Apart from the fact that there are issues on the rehabilitation of airports around the country over issues of value for money, which Nigerians are not getting, if she had taken her time to honour our invitation, may be she would have been able to avoid this issue of threshold.
“What these heads of agencies don’t realize is that when we send out letters like that, it wasn’t to intimidate or witch-hunt them but to rub minds and enlighten them on the nitty gritty of the provisions of the procurement laws.
“If she has been honouring our invitations, by now a lot of things would have been known to her and she would not be finding herself in this situation.
“When we invite these Ministers, my advice is that they should not see it as a personal thing but a way of forging a working relationship.
“There is no doubt that she has a case to answer with the BPP Committee.”
Okoya-Thomas also accused the Presidency of deliberately weakening the BPP as well as refusing to comply with the procurement law on the issue of the Bureau’s Board.
She noted: “The issue of the constitution of the Board of BPP is embarrassing as it has not been constituted till date.
“Sometimes we need the cooperation of the Executive.
“When we go out there, we want people to adhere to the provisions of the law.
“The impropriety that we are witnessing in this country is embarrassing to the nation.
“And if you don’t take care of a particular aspect of the law but go ahead and implement another aspect, it means you do not wish the law to succeed or be effective.
“The law must be implemented holistically for sanity to prevail in a nation.
“We have pushed for the implementation of that particular clause along the other parts they are implementing but they are not willing to apply that particular clause.
“We are pushing for the implementation of the Council of Board as contained in the Act but if they are not doing it, then they have their reasons, not that we are not doing anything about it.
“The job of the Board is to formulate policies for the agency and the DG is the Secretary of the Board but the idea is that more people will be able to contribute better than just one or two people, especially when we are talking about trillions of Naira of appropriated funds.”
The chairman of the Committee on BPP posited that if truly government is interested in fighting corruption, then there must be the “will to put in place those things that are necessary to facilitate investigation, which I believe we are lacking.
“Ministry of Finance is able to do its work excellently just because they have the capacity and the facilities that simplify their job.
“I believe BPP needs assistance in that direction, but the point is: if the BPP is not aware of procurement going on in such places and being the agency feeding us with information, then there is no way we as a Committee can.”

Monday 28 October 2013

Let Ngige’s billboards be

It is surprising that governorship position in Nigeria is now for sale. If not how can a commissioner in Anambra State be telling the world that the governorship candidate of the All Progressives Congress, Chris Ngige, is owing the state N8.5m just for billboards? No wonder that nothing good ever comes not of their position during their tenor as governor because he who pay the price dictate the tone. Also, I do not see anywhere in the country’s constitution where one has to pay as much as that amount to campaign. We need to check the excesses of all sitting governors in Nigeria to discourage people to challenge them in the electioneering of the state election. This is absolute wickedness aimed at thwarting the wishes of the masses in the state. We are watching the outcome of this madness of the sitting governor to the opponents.

Sunday 27 October 2013

Six die as tanker explodes in Kaduna

Six persons were killed on Friday night in a fire from a tanker explosion in Maraban Jos, Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State.

The Federal Road Maintenance Agency had constructed a trailer park at the Maraban Jos axis of the Kaduna-Zaria Expressway to reduce the high rate of fires caused by petrol tankers and accidents caused by articulated trucks parked along the road.
Alhaji Abdullahi Kwarau, the Chairman of Igabi Local Government Council, said that the accident, which occurred on Friday night, involved two fuel-laden tankers.
Kwarau appealed to the state government to expedite action on the construction of more trailer parks on major roads in the state to avoid a recurrence of such accidents.
Governor Mukhtar Yero of Kaduna State, who condoled with the families of those who died in the accident, urged drivers, particularly those of petrol tankers, to be extra vigilant while driving or parking their vehicles.
He assured the people that efforts were underway to ensure the timely completion of new trailer parks being constructed in Igabi, Kagarko and Birnin Gwari Local Government Areas.
Yero said that the state government was also collaborating with FERMA to ensure the speedy completion of ongoing road projects to forestall recurring accidents on major roads.

Boko Haram members are bandits - Captured member

Malam Bukar Modu, a detained Boko Haram member, said that the sect had nothing to do with Islam, as it was mainly involved in armed banditry, looting and killing of innocent people.
Modu, who was captured on October 6 after the sect’s early morning attack on Muslim worshippers in Damboa, Borno State, said this in Maiduguri on Saturday.
He told newsmen that the sect succeeded in attacking innocent people during their operations.
He said: “We went on a mission to attack people in Damboa on October 6, a few days to the last Sallah celebration.
“We shot many people but I was also shot in the leg during the operation.
“I later became unconscious.
“My people took me away at the end of the operation but they decided to dump me in a nearby bush because they thought I was dead.
“I regained my consciousness in the morning before I was apprehended by security agents, who provided food for me and took care of my bullet wounds.”
Modu said that he was recruited into the sect by his cousin about a year ago.
He said: “He used to keep his gun in our compound in Maiduguri.
“One day, he said that he was not comfortable with me being outside the sect because I knew all his secrets.
“He gave me two options: to either join the sect or be killed.
“So, I had no other option than to join the sect.”
Modu said that he was given an “express training” on the handling of AK 47 rifle as soon as he joined the sect.
He added: “We were always given orders to attack individuals without questioning until we finally relocated to Marte in Marte Local Government Area of Borno during the middle of this year.”
Modu said that his group comprised about 150 militants, who took refuge in a nearby bush after the military invasion of Marte camp.
He said: “We were kept in the bush by our commanders.
“Sometimes, we survived on filthy water because we did not have access to safe water and we barely had something to eat.”
Modu said that most of the “foot soldiers” of the Boko Haram sect had wanted to abscond but they could not do so because of the fear of being caught and executed.
He said: “Our commanders usually conduct roll-calls on a daily basis to prevent anybody from running away.
“Once you are caught, the penalty is death.”
Modu said that many “foot soldiers” who tried to escape at the camp, were summarily executed.
He added: “Any time we carry out an attack in a place, we steal food, drugs, money and everything we need.
“Sometimes, I feel guilty of committing crimes against God but our commanders always tell us that it is God’s work that we are doing.
“It is a terrible thing to be a member of the sect but many foot soldiers like me cannot leave for fear of being killed.”

Saturday 26 October 2013

21 insurgents killed in Damaturu attack

The 3 Division Special Operation Battalion in Damaturu, Yobe State on Friday confirmed the killing of 21 insurgents in the state.
A statement signed by the spokesman of the battalion, Captain Eli Lazarus, said that the insurgents were killed on Thursday, while some arms and ammunition were recovered in the operation.
Lazarus said four AK47 assault rifles, one FN rifle, one propelled grenade, one rocket propelled grenade bomb, improvised explosive devices and 704 rounds of assorted ammunition were recovered during the operation.
He said the insurgents attacked a military checkpoint close to the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation mega petrol station on Damaturu-Maiduguri Road.
He said: “Troops of 3 Special Operation Battalion had a fierce encounter with the terrorists in various parts of Damaturu for several hours.
“A 24 hour curfew was imposed across the state to enable troops conduct pursuit of the fleeing terrorists.
“Residents are advised to obey the curfew.”
The spokesman urged the public to assist security operatives with useful information for timely response.
Damaturu streets remained empty with all business premises closed as residents stayed indoors on Friday.

Police nab four for beheading five-year-old boy in Enugu

The police in Enugu State have nabbed four ritual suspects for abducting, beheading and cutting the private parts of a five-year-old boy before dumping him in a water tank.
This arrest was contained in a statement signed by Ebere Amaraizu, the Police Public Relations Officer in Enugu State on Friday.
Amaraizu said the victim, Promise Osakwe, was abducted by unknown persons at his home town in Aninri on Oct. 11.
The deceased body was later found in water tank, without the head and the private parts.
The suspects from Aninri Local Government Area of Enugu State were nabbed in connection with the crime.
In a related development, the police have successfully rescued one Chinenye Onyia of Udi in Enugu State form the grip of kidnappers.
Onyia was earlier reported by the husband as having been allegedly kidnapped by unknown persons on October 16 and was rescued in Gboko, Benue State.
The police gathered that the victim had been staying with the said James Terkula in Gboko “on a self arranged kidnapping” under the guise that the husband had not been taking good care of her.

Army kills 74 insurgents in Borno

In continuation of ongoing offensive against terrorists, the 7 Division of Nigeria Army in Maiduguri, Borno State said it destroyed more Boko Haram camps on Thursday.
The information was contained in a statement issued by Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed Dole, the new spokesman of the division on Friday.
Dole said that the camps were in Galangi and Lawanti villages within Mainok General Area of Borno State, adding that the troop raided the camps and killed 74 suspected Boko Haram militants.
“The operations which involved ground and aerial assault by the Air Force led to the destruction of identified terrorists camps, killing 74 suspected militants, while others fled with serious injuries,” it said..
The statement added that two Isuzu tiger pick-up vehicles and five Hilux belonging to the militants were destroyed.
It said, however, that two soldiers were wounded during the operations.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Jonathan sets up three-man panel to probe armoured cars scandal

President Goodluck Jonathan on Wednesday constituted a three-man committee to investigate the purchase of two BMW Li Series armoured cars by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) at a whopping N250 million.
There has been public outcry over the manner the procurement of the cars was done just as it is believed that the price was grossly inflated.
Presidential Adviser on Media and Publicity, Dr Reuben Abati, who disclosed this to State House correspondents at the post Cabinet briefing said the Administrative Panel of inquiry is chaired by the immediate past Head of Service of the Federation (HoS), Sali Bello Isa.
Also on the panel are the National Security Adviser, Col Sambo Dasuki (rtd) and Air Vice Marshal Dick Iruenebere (rtd). The panel has two weeks to submit its report.
Abati spoke further, “President Goodluck Jonathan has taken the initial step of asking the Minister of Aviation, Stella Oduah for explanations and that is in public domain and so it will not be right to say that the President is not well seized of the matter.
“But President Jonathan has also today taken a step further and you will probably be the first set of Nigerians to hear this, by setting up a three-man administrative panel of inquiry. This panel has the assignment to investigate whether the procurement process with regards to this armoured vehicles follow due process. This three-man panel is also to find out the purpose to which the vehicles were procured and then to inquire into any other instrumental matter.
“This three-man panel is to be chaired by the immediate former Head of Service of the Federation, Alhaji Isa Sali Bello, the National Security Adviser (NSA), Col. Sambo Dakusi (rtd) is a member, AVM Dick Iruenebere (rtd). The secretariat of the panel which is expected to submit its reports within two weeks will be provided by the office the NSA.
Let me assure you that President Jonathan will like to assure the general public that nobody no matter how highly placed will be shielded or exempted from this inquiry that he has directed and that appropriate action will be taken against any person or persons who maybe found guilty of misconduct or misappropriation of public funds either in this respect or in any other respect.
“Indeed Mr. President considers this very weighty matter and that is not true as some people have been alleging that no action has been taken.
Asked whether the Minister of aviation will step aside pending the conclusion of investigation, Abati said, “well, I have just announced to you what I was asked to announce that a panel of inquiry has been set up, this panel will address all the relevant questions and advice Mr. President accordingly within two weeks”.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Reps to investigate Oduah's N225m cars, blocking of foreign airlines from some routes

The House of Representatives on Tuesday mandated its Committee on Aviation to investigate the alleged refusal by the Federal Ministry of Aviation to allow some foreign airlines to operate from some airports in the country.
The resolution followed a motion brought to the House by Hon. Aliyu Madaki (PDP-Kano), which said the ministry had refused some airlines’ request to operate flights from the Malam Aminu Kano International Airport in Kano and Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja.
The House further directed the committee to investigate the renovation work done at MAKIA to ascertain whether the job was done as specified in the contract agreement.
The Committee is to report back within eight weeks.
The motion was adopted by the House when put to vote by the Speaker, Hon. Aminu Tambuwal.
Moving the motion, Madaki recalled that the ministry had blocked four foreign airlines – Qatar, Emirates, Turkish and Etihad – from extending their commercial flights to Abuja and Kano.
He expressed worry that the blocking of airlines was affecting the economic prospects of the northern part of the country.
Similarly the House has mandated its Committee on Aviation to investigate the alleged purchase of $1.6 million bullet-proof BMW cars for the Minister of Aviation, Princess Stalla Oduah.
The action was sequel to a motion raised under matters of urgent public importance by the Minority Whip of the House, Hon. Samson Osagie (APC-Edo).
Leading the debate, Osagie argued that his motion was against the backdrop of the level of poverty nationwide.
“Given the level of poverty and unemployment in the country, it would be unpatriotic for an agency of government to indulge in expenditure for the comfort and safety of one public officer,” he said.
The lawmaker also said the action of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority and the Minister of Aviation negated the statutory authority of the Revenue Mobilisation, Allocation and Fiscal Commission.
He said it was in the authority of the commission to make recommendations on the way public officers, including ministers, were to be catered for by the state.
Also contributing to the debate, Hons. Hassan Saleh, (PDP-Benue), Emmanuel Jime(PDP-Benue ), Matthew Omegara ( APC-Imo ) supported the motion.
They urged the House to thoroughly investigate the matter in order to ensure that appropriate sanctions were meted to those involved in the purchase, if found culpable.
Omegara said the House had turned down a request by the NCAA to purchase vehicles in the 2013 budget.
He implored the House to also look into what the agencies of government do with their internally generated revenues.
The motion was eventually passed and the Committee on Aviation was mandated to carry out the investigation and report to the House within one week.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Cholera kills five in Sokoto

Alhaji Bala Oroji, the Deputy Director of Health of Tambuwal Local Government Area of Sokoto State, said on Monday that five persons died of suspected cholera at Barkeji village in the area.
Oroji disclosed this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria in Tambuwal.
He said that all the deceased persons were aged between 27 and 30.
Oroji said that three persons, one female and two males, died on October 14, out of nine infected.
“Similarly, a male and female died on October 19 due to the epidemic, out of the remaining infected persons,” he said.
Oroji said that 11 infected persons were hospitalised at the Barkeji community dispensary on Sunday.
According to him, four of the affected persons have been discharged on Monday, while the remaining seven on admission at the health centre are still receiving treatment.
He said that adequate drugs and medicaments had been supplied to the dispensary by the local government.
“We thank God that the situation is under control and we are even expecting to discharge the remaining infected persons either today or tomorrow,” he added.
He said that the local government had embarked on massive public enlightenment campaign to educate the people on the need to maintain good sanitary environment.
Oroji said: “The campaign is to sensitise the people to the need to keep their environment clean, drink clean water and also ensure personal hygiene.
“We have reported the incident to the state Ministry of Health and it had assisted the community with additional drugs.”

Monday 21 October 2013

Eket community rejects ExxonMobil's N2.5b oil spill compensation

The Eket Federal Constituency Vanguard has rejected the N2.5 billion oil spill compensation offered by ExxonMobil to affected Eket communities in Akwa Ibom State.
The oil spill, recorded on November 9, 2012, caused up to 200,000 barrels of oil, spilled on the Atlantic coast.
In a communiqué made available to the News Agency of Nigeria on Wednesday after its town hall meeting in Eket, the Vanguard demanded immediate release of the N26.5 billion earlier promised by ExxonMobil.
The Vanguard condemned alleged lies, insults and abuses on the community by ExxonMobil in the course of the oil spill.
The community, subsequently, gave ExxonMobil seven days ultimatum to meet to all its demands or risk an indefinite protest against the company’s operations.
The communiqué also demanded immediate employment of 100 graduates by the company from the host communities of Eket, Esit Eket, Ibeno and Onna.
He added: “Henceforth, oil spills would be paid in dollars and communities should be allowed to select their projects and consultants.
“The compensation should be made to reach the communities and individuals to make up for their losses.”
When NAN contacted Akaninyene Esiere, the Public Affairs Manager of Mobil at the Qua Iboe Terminal in Ibeno, he said that he had noted the inquiry, promising to respond later.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

National confab: Fasehun wants Boko Haram, Al-Mustapha, Soyinka to participate

Dr. Frederick Fasehun of the Oodua People’s Congress has recommended that some notable Nigerians and groups be drafted into the Sovereign National Conference.
Such Nigerians and groups, Fasehun said, should include dreaded sect, Boko Haram; Chief Security Officer to late General Sani Abacha, Major Hamza Al-Mustapha; and Nobel Laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka.
This was even as he recommended that the SNC be convened for six months, from February to July 2014.
Such Nigerians and groups, Fasehun said, should include dreaded sect, Boko Haram; Chief Security Officer to late General Sani Abacha, Major Hamza Al-Mustapha; and Nobel Laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka.
He explained that over the years, bottled-up emotions and frustrations in the country had been allowed to fester and that misguided repression accounted for the socio-political explosions, insurgencies, militancy and criminality that routinely occur nationwide.
He maintained that delaying the SNC had cost Nigeria much, adding that it accounted for the unnecessary loss of lives and insecurity the country suffers today.
According to Fasehun, the convening of the SNC will represent a giant step towards the resolution of not just the Nigerian Question, but also the violence, insurgency and insecurity currently ravaging Nigeria.
He said: “There’s so much agitation in the country, not just from ethic groups, but also from insurgent groups.
“There’s hardly any peaceful insurgency in this land.
“The country has been lucky in managing insurgency.
“But if we want to discuss insecurity, then the insurgent groups, which believe there is injustice in the land, should come and tell us why they are flexing muscles.
“Let’s listen to ourselves and proffer solutions.
“And if you think Al-Mustapha does not matter, we’re deceiving ourselves.
“Try and go to the North and you find out the truth.
“Let’s extend a hand of peace to everyone.
“We’re all Nigerians!
“The SNC is the last chance to save the Nigerian federation.
“Recently, agitations have been rife that since the 1914 Amalgamation of the Southern and Northern protectorates by Lord Lugard was originally billed to expire in 100 years, therefore the constituent units of the Nigerian entity could validly, legally and statutorily exit from Nigeria in 2014.
“It would have been a tacit fulfilment of the US prediction that Nigeria would not survive beyond 2015.
“Now the proposal by President Goodluck Jonathan has averted Nigeria’s Armageddon.
“If the SNC fails, then Nigeria’s ethnic nationalities can begin to make moves to exist as separate entities and nations within ECOWAS and we can kiss Nigeria goodbye peacefully

Why Jonathan, his cry babies should respond to Tinubu's fundamental questions, by Sunday Dare

The reaction of President Goodluck Jonathan’s Presidential Cry Babies to Tinubu’s extensive comments on the proposed national conference was predictable. As usual, rather than deal with the salient and substantial issues surrounding the proposed National Conference raised by former Governor Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the reaction from the presidency skirted around them.
In typical fashion, it resorted to abusive language and name calling. Dr. Doyin Okupe, like a punch drunk pugilist, threw several empty jabs and went on a flight of fancy praising his boss and flaunting fictional achievements of the administration in the face of Nigerians.
We leave it to Nigerians to judge. They are the ones who feel the pains and millions will not be able to relate to all the fictional transformational achievements reeled out by the Presidency. Nigerians are saddled with a President who believes fiction is more important than fact and imagination is more genuine than reality. While we would not mind such a person to be a leading figure in our Nollywood film industry, I am frightened that he is the Chief Resident of Aso Villa and surrounded by a cast of like minds.
Tinubu’s searching questions about the Jonathan Conference remain fundamental. We urge Jonathan and his cry babies to take time to read through the statement and address the cloud of doubts surrounding the proposed conference. This is a flip-flopping Presidency and on this issue it must provide answers. Tinubu is satisfied that that he has raised the provocative questions that need be asked and no amount of shadow boxing and presidential foul language can change that.
Sunday Dare is the Special Adviser (Media) to Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

NDLEA arrests man with N82m cocaine

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency says it has arrested a 39-year-old man, who imported 7.45kg of cocaine valued N82 million.
Mitchell Ofoyeju, the agency’s spokesman, who made this known in a statement on Tuesday, said that the suspect was intercepted at the Nnamdi Azikwe International Airport, Abuja.
Ofoyeju said that the discovery was made on October 12 “during inward screening of passengers on-board an Ethiopian Airline flight from Brazil.
“The drug, which was industrially concealed inside food flasks and kitchen utensils, tested positive to cocaine and weighed 7.45kg.
“It is estimated to cost N82 million. It is the single largest seizure recorded at the Abuja Airport since January.”
Ofoyeju said investigations into the case had commenced, adding that the agency’s ‘Operation End of Year Screening’ made the discovery possible.
He said: “The agency is prepared to counter the tricks of drug traffickers.
“As the year is coming to an end, we have launched ‘Operation End of Year Screening’.
“This is targeted at preventing drug cartels from carrying out their criminal acts this season.”
The spokesman said that the suspect would soon be charged to court.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Crash: Northern governors call for thorough probe

The Northern States Governors Forum has expressed shock and deep sadness over an air accident involving a aircraft belonging to Associated Airlines conveying the remains of former Governor of Ondo State, Dr. Olusegun Agagu.
The Northern governors described the crash as a national tragedy.
The Chairman of the forum and Governor of Niger State, Dr. Mu’azu Babangida Aliyu, on Thursday called for a thorough investigation into the circumstances leading to the crash, with a view to preventing a reoccurrence.
A statement by Governor Aliyu’s spokesman, Danladi Ndayebo, said far from the rituals of mourning the victims of air mishaps and ordering a probe, this latest crash must not be allowed to go the way of the previous ones.
“The safety of the flying public must be of paramount importance to those saddled with the responsibility of ensuring safe air travels, and no stone should be left unturned in ensuring this,” the forum said.
The forum expressed its condolences to the government and people of Ondo State, the family of late Governor Agagu as well as the families of all those who died in the crash.
It prayed God to give them the fortitude to bear the loss, grant the deceased eternal rest and quick recovery to those who sustained injuries.

Jonathan, Mark mourn Lagos plane crash victims

President Goodluck Jonathan said he received with great shock and sadness the news of the tragic airplane crash in Lagos State on Thursday.
On behalf of himself, his family and the Federal Government, President Jonathan extended condolences to all families who lost members in the plane crash and the government and people of Ondo State who have been plunged into sorrow yet again while preparing to lay their former Governor, Dr. Olusegun Agagu, to rest.
The statement, by Dr. Reuben Abati, reads: “The President feels and shares the grief and pain of the Agagu family as they grapple with the further loss of beloved relatives and associates so soon after losing their husband, father and mentor.
“He prays that God Almighty will comfort the Agagu family, as well as their relatives and friends, and grant them the divine grace they will undoubtedly require to overcome the trauma of this most trying time.
“President Jonathan views the plane crash as most unfortunate and regrettable, given the concerted efforts of the Federal Government to enhance aviation safety in the country.
“He has therefore ordered a thorough investigation of the crash by all relevant agencies with a view to determining the cause and taking further actions, as may become necessary.”
“This is more than double tragedy. It is sad. It is disheartening. This is death too cruel,” the President of the Senate, Senator David Mark, said on Thursday as he mourned the death of the ill-fated Associated Airline passengers in Lagos.
Mark added: “This is one tragedy that a man is tempted to question the essence of human existence. But as ordinary mortals , we lack the locus standing to question our creator. In all circumstances, we give thanks to the Almighty. May God’s wish be done.”
Mark said the Senate shares in the pain and indeed grieves over the unfortunate incident.
“He prayed that God gives the nation, especially the immediate families of the deceased the fortitude to bear this painful loss, just as he prayed that the souls of the departed rest in peace.

Police arrest kidnappers with N9m exhibit

The Lagos State Police Command has arrested two kidnappers after cashing a N9 million ransom at the Ketu branch of Sterling Bank.

The two suspects, Lucky Momodu and Saheed Adekoya, were said to have allowed the kidnapped victim to go home immediately they received a bank alert that his worried family members had paid the ransom into a designated account given to them by the kidnappers.
Days after the victim, Chief Michael Okigbo, was allowed to go, the kidnappers went to the Ketu branch of Sterling bank to cash the money and were promptly surrounded by policemen.
It was gathered that Okigbo was kidnapped at Asaba, Delta State, while he was driving away from a party he had just attended.
He was taken to the kidnappers’ hideout in Asaba.
The kidnappers were said to have scared the living daylight out of the man, who promptly gave them the contact phone numbers of his family.
Negotiation for Okigbo’s release started and the ransom was finally agreed at N9 million.
It was gathered that immediately Okigbo was released, he alerted the police, which alerted the bank officials.
A red alert was placed the bank account.
As soon as Adekoya came to cash the money, he was arrested.
It was through him that Momodu was arrested, but the police are still hunting for a third kidnapper.
Adekoya however insisted that he was not part of those who kidnapped Okigbo.
According to him, Momodu called him some days ago, saying that he was about to embark on a new business and needed a current account to deposit some millions into.
Adekoya, who claimed that he was in Lagos, when Momodu called him from Delta State, said he had given his bank account details to Momodu, unaware the guy was into nefarious activities.
He further explained that he went to cash the money, on Momodu’s instruction, when policemen arrested him at the bank.
The account number is 27469756910 and the name of the holder is Supreme Aluminium and Steel Company, belonging to Adekoya.
It was also gathered that the arrest of the kidnappers would not have been possible, but for the intervention of the Divisional Police Officer of Ketu Police Station, a Superintendent of Police, Umaro Justine, who strategized with his men, the victim’s family and bank officials on how to nab the suspects.