Monday 31 December 2012

Kangaroo tries to drown dog, attacks ower.

MELBOURNE, Australia — A kangaroo startled by a man walking his dog attacked the pair, pinning the pet underwater and slashing the owner in the abdomen with its hind legs.

The Australian, Chris Rickard, was in stable condition Monday after the attack, which ended when the 49-year-old elbowed the kangaroo in the throat. He said he was walking his blue heeler, Rocky, on Sunday morning when they surprised a sleeping kangaroo in Arthur's Creek northeast of Melbourne. The dog chased the animal into a pond, when the kangaroo turned and pinned the pet underwater.

"I thought I might take a hit or two dragging the dog out from under his grip, but I didn't expect him to actually attack me," Rickard, 49, told The Herald Sun newspaper. "It was a shock at the start because it was a kangaroo, about 5 feet high, they don't go around killing people."

Kangaroos rarely attack people but will fight if they feel threatened.

Dogs often chase kangaroos, which have been known to lead the pets into water and defend themselves there.

Rickard said he ended the attack by elbowing the kangaroo in the throat, adding Rocky was "half-drowned" when he pulled him from the water.

Njiko Igbo seeks unity among Nigerians in 2013

In a New Year message signed by the National Publicity Secretary, Brady Nwosu, Njiko Igbo appealed to everyone irrespective of age, religion, tribe, race and colour amongst others to live together in peace and harmony.

Njiko Igbo, a non partisan political association, has congratulated Nigerians at home and abroad for witnessing yet another new year.

In a New Year message signed by the National Publicity Secretary, Brady Nwosu, Njiko Igbo appealed to everyone irrespective of age, religion, tribe, race and colour amongst others to live together in peace and harmony.

Brady described Nigeria as a great nation with potentials to grow beyond boundaries if all collectively play their noble roles as government and citizens.

He advised Nigerians to reflect on the happenings of 2012 in order to make 2013 a prosperous new year.

He used the opportunity to seek support from Ndigbo all over the world and other regions of the country for the correction of the marginalization of the South East regarding infrastructural development and national leadership positions.

Brady also challenged government at all levels to meet the yearnings and aspirations of the citizens in order to restore the lost confidence between government and the governed.

2013: Massive infrastructural development, job creation our focus, by Goodluck Jonathan

Fellow Nigerians,

1. I greet and rejoice with you all as we celebrate the advent of a new year.

2. I join you all in giving thanks to God Almighty for bringing us and our beloved nation safely through the past year to the beginning of 2013 which, by His Grace, will be a much better year for us and our country.

3. In keeping with tradition, it is usual for individuals, institutions and organizations to make resolutions and set agenda as a new year begins, to guide their actions in the coming months.

4. I have already given a clear indication of the Federal Government’s agenda for 2013 in recent pronouncements. Our objective for the year is to ensure by all possible means that more of the programmes and projects envisioned by this administration, and which are already being embarked upon are further brought on stream within the next 12 months to meet the yearnings of our people, and raise the quality of life.

5. We have in the last year achieved a lot in terms of the positive transformation of vital sectors of our national life such as public infrastructure, power supply, oil and gas, transportation, education, health and agricultural development. We will continue to work diligently in 2013 to ensure that our efforts in these areas are carried forward to full fruition in fulfillment of our promise of better public services and improved living conditions for all Nigerians.

6. We will give priority attention in the coming year to flood and erosion control, the rehabilitation and expansion of existing federal roads, improved power supply, as well as the continued rehabilitation, upgrading and reactivation of the national rail network.

7. Employment generation and wealth creation will also remain a primary objective of our socio-economic agenda for 2013. Creating more employment opportunities for our youth and graduates of our universities is an imperative that will continue to underpin our drive for massive economic growth, the rapid expansion of our manufacturing and industrial base, and the productive diversification of our national economy. In this regard, we will continue to provide the necessary enabling environment for the private sector to thrive.

8. As peace and security remain pre-requisite conditions for the full realization of our objectives, we will also do more in 2013 to further empower our security agencies who are working in collaborative partnerships with our friends in the international community to stem the scourge of terrorism in our country and enhance the security of lives and property in all parts of Nigeria.

9. I also want to assure Nigerians that we will refuse to be discouraged by those who have taken it upon themselves to pick on every initiative and effort of this administration. We remain resolutely committed to the rule of law, due process and fair play in all circumstances. Our democracy continues to grow, and the scope for human freedom continues to expand. It is an achievement that we will continue to build upon.

10. I say it again, we are determined to continue to push forward. We will do more, not less. We will remain focused.

11. For your part, dear compatriots, I urge that you all include in your new year resolutions a commitment to do more this year to support the implementation of the Federal Government’s Agenda for National Transformation in every possible way. That is all I ask for.

12. The task of making our dear nation a much better place for present and future generations cannot be left to government alone. Leaders and followers alike have critical roles to play in our march towards the fulfillment of our great national potentials.

13. Let us all therefore resolve as we celebrate the new year to place the higher interests of national unity, peace, stability and progress above all other considerations and work harder in our particular fields of human endeavour to contribute more significantly to the attainment of our collective aspirations.

14. I wish you all a happy and rewarding 2013.

15. God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Being the full text of President Goodluck Jonathan’s speech to Nigerians to commemorate the New Year.

Boko Haram: Utomi urges Jonathan to prosecute suspects, arrest sponsors

Utomi, who spoke against the backdrop of the lamentation of Jonathan and his promise to curb the activities of Boko Haram on Sunday, said the first step to take should be the prosecution of those already arrested for being members of the group.

Eminent economist and former presidential aspirant, Prof. Pat Utomi, has urged President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan to rise up to the challenge posed by dreaded sect, Boko Haram, by prosecuting those already arrested in connection with the activities of the group.

Utomi, who spoke against the backdrop of the lamentation of Jonathan and his promise to curb the activities of Boko Haram on Sunday, said the first step to take should be the prosecution of those already arrested for being members of the group.

Writing on the wall of his page on social network, Facebook, Utomi said: Mr. President, I urge you to speedily try those that have already been captured.

“What happened to Kabiru Sokoto and the others?”

Utomi also said the President should ensure the arrest of the sponsors of the sect.

He asked: “Why haven’t their sponsors been arrested?”


John 15:5
I am the vine, you are the branches . . . apart form Me you can do nothing

Add the following statements of doctrinal affirmation to those you began reading yesterday. Allow the truth of God's Word to saturate your heart and guide your steps in the coming year.

I believe that Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18), and that He is the head over all rule and authority (Colossians 2:10). I believe that Satan and his demons are subject to me in Christ because I am a member of Christ's body (Ephesians 1:19-23). I therefore obey the command to resist the devil (James 47), and I command him in the name of Christ to leave my presence.

I believe that apart form Christ I can do nothing (John 15:5), so I declare my dependence on Him. I choose to abide in Christ in order to bear much fruit and glorify the Lord (John 15:8). I announce to Satan that Jesus is my Lord (1corinthians 12:3), and I reject any counterfeit gifts or works of Satan in my life.

I believe that the truth will set me free (John 8:32), and that walking in the light is the only path of fellowship (1 John1::7). Therefore, I stand against Satan's deception by taking every thought captive in obedience to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). I declare that the Bible is the only authoritative standard (2 Timothy 3:15-17). I choose to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).

I choose to present my body as an instrument of righteousness, a living and holy sacrifice, and I renew my mind by the living Word of God in order that I may prove that the will of God is good, acceptable and perfect (Romans 6:13; 12:1, 2).

Prayer: Father God, I affirm that my life and sustenance come from You, and apart from You I can do nothing.
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